Business Operating Hours

Along with how to contact you and where you are located, the hours you are open or closed or when you are available, are most important to potential customers.

Does your website detail the hours you are open? If so, is this information easily found?

Sadly, this is often not the case. If your open hours are not currently on your website, please do everyone a favor and stop right now. Immediately go to your website CMS or reach out to whoever manages your website and add this information. Then come back here.

It’s okay, we can wait.

Think about your own experiences as a potential customer…surely you’ve gone to a website trying to find the business hours, only to give up in frustration.

We believe that this information is so critical, that we feature it on your listing card as well as on your listing page. If you don’t want to include this information or you truly feel it isn’t relevant to your business, you can turn this off for your listing.

Demo business listing card.
Your current open status and hours are easily visible on your listing card.
Demo business listing card showing daily business hours.
Open days and hours detail is just a click away right on your listing card.
Demo of the listing form for entering daily business hours.
Easily manage your listing’s daily business hour information to let potential customers know when you are open.

In addition to your “everyday hours,” you might also want to add information about “special hours,” such as holidays, special sales, remodeling notices, etc.

Demo of the Special Hours entry field.
Easily communicate more detailed information for special hours.

And if your business is currently closed for any reason, such as COVID-19, you can add a “Temporarily Closed” notice to your listing with a simple checkbox.

Temporarily Closed toggler.
Easily configure your listing for temporarily closed situations.